Road map for tracking  swimming teachers in in practical skills includes a process.

For some in Canada, the hurdles of expenses and time are high when trying to tick off all the boxes to become a swim coach.

  • Numbers of hours
  • Fees for courses and certifications
  • Travel to learning centers
  • Connecting, scheduling and visiting with willing and available mentors at appropriate times and places.

Some individuals advance to become full time coaches.

Becoming a full-time coach often hinges upon the employer. Who instructors work for has a big influence on an aquatic-career's pathway and its pace.

For example:

  1. When a swim instructor works for a club, and if
  2. that person enjoys swim club swimming, and if
  3. that person feels supported, then
  4. that employment route is often traveled successfully.

For example:

  1. When a swim instructor works for a city or university's recreation program, and if
  2. the instructor is proficient, then,
  3. it is often the case that the individual would likely stay on that pathway.

Wages difference are vast, among the various routes in aquatics.